Fast forward to September 12, 2009.
Michigan is 2-0, "they call me" Tater (salad) Forcier is the next Tom Brady, Rich Rod is a coaching God, and UM fans are regaining their cocky attitudes.
Meanwhile, the Buckeyes are now 1-1, Pryor sucks and is overrated, Tressel is a bum, and OSU fans are PISSED after this most recent setback, an 18-15 loss to USC in Ohio Stadium to a team that lost eight defensive starters from a year ago, and came to Columbus with a true freshman QB at the helm.
This Buckeye team played great, specifically on defense, but in the end, it was the ridiculously conservative hand-cuffing of the offense that led to the final result...
Another loss, on the national stage by Ohio State, in a game that most Ohio State fans truly believe the Buckeyes should have won and would have won, if Jim Tressel was not ultra-conservative has critics coming out of the woodwork, more than ever, and has seemingly turned up the heat on Tressel.
Tressel is well aware that the hot seat is getting warmer, at least in the fans eyes.
Tressel said he has received critical e-mails, but said the fans' poison makes him feel sorry for them.
"When I read some of them I feel terrible for them because there's no way they're happy," he said. "They've got to be some of the most unhappy people in the world, and I feel bad because we just made them less happy, and I hate to be a part of making someone less happy. I mean, they're already miserable."
Did he really just say that? That critical OSU fans are some of the most unhappy and miserable people in the world?
To say that takes, and shows some balls.
Too bad Tressel has shown no sign of having a pair when it comes to his play-calling on the field.
Bob Hunter, a columnist for The Columbus Dispatch, wrote that angry Ohio State fans may want a new coach but no one talks about who that might be. He also brought up the subject of buying out Tressel's contract, which would pay Tressel more than $12 million through January 2013.
Tongue in cheek, Hunter proposed those wanting to get rid of Tressel might want to circulate petitions to build a casino or two on campus so the coach and his biggest boosters, athletic director Gene Smith and Ohio State president Gordon Gee, all could be fired.
With the Buckeyes preparing to play Toledo at Cleveland Browns Stadium on Saturday, the glow of that 2002 national championship game seems light years away.
It's true, many fans are calling for his termination, which is extreme if you ask me, while others, at the very least are demanding that he relinquish his play-calling duties and hire a real offensive coordinator—possibly a young guru, with some fresh ideas on how to jump start the stagnant, dull, and sputtering offense we've seen for the past several seasons in Columbus—one who will put Tressel-ball out of it's misery for good.
I love the Buckeyes and Jim Tressel has been an amazing coach. I'm in what I believe to be the majority, that wants to keep Tressel, but would also like to see him give up play-calling.
The problem with keeping Tressel is, he doesn't want to do that. So, if he won't make some much needed changes with the coaching staff, and he won't give up calling the plays on offense, there's only one option left...
Maybe in just a few short years, Tressel really has went from a top five coach, to outdated and washed up.
I can't stress this enough: I still want Tressel as our coach, but I think he has to find and hire an offensive minded coordinator to give the play-calling duties to.
Nothing lasts forever and if he really is not willing to make these few changes, then I think it could be time for Tress to head back to Youngstown State, or just an early retirement from coaching altogether at the end of the season.
If he finds a way to lose to Toledo on Saturday at Cleveland Browns Stadium, he'll be less popular than Kanye West at the CMA's.
Maybe he can go on Leno and apologize too, and announce he's going to "take a break" from coaching—a permanent one.
BlockONation ::: Buckeye Football Lives Here
Photo Copyright - Ron Pradetto
Good article. I'm in 100% agreement.