This weeks "Preview, History, and Prediction" feature article will be up later tonight or tomorrow, but the prediction shouldn't be much of a mystery, even to the most-guilty of Buckeye homers.
Nebraska was obviously overrated, but despite that, they are still WAAAAAAAAY better than tOSU.
Tack on the fact that now Boom Herron and DeVier Posey won't be back this week after accepting impermissible benefits while on suspension for the same offense (it could be argued that perhaps they shouldn't be allowed back ever again), and it's easy to pick Nebraska.
Don't be shocked if the prediction, and ultimately the reality, both go in favor of Nebraska by two to three scores, minimum.
In the meantime, a few thoughts...
As of right now, the Buckeye offense is completely inept, and the coaches are completely incompetent -- and neither is likely to suddenly improve.
It's clearer than ever just what a great coach Tressel was, just in case anyone still had doubts.
How a player (especially one who is a true freshman QB) can come off the field after making a mistake and not have the coach -- or at least his position coach -- come talk to him to tell him what went wrong, and/or what went right and what adjustments need to be made going forward is absolutely incomprehensible...
It seems that nobody on this entire staff ever coaches Braxton, or any other offensive player on the team for that matter, in between series' on the sidelines.
That is inexcusable.
It's a safe bet to suggest that this entire staff will be gone come December, and the way this season has gone so far, don't expect more than six or seven wins at best.
Let's not kid ourselves at this point -- December can't get here soon enough, and we all know why:
Really hoping for Urban Meyer...