For context in case any of the questions or answers don't completely make sense (example: a question was asked regarding how Carlos felt about the upcoming game vs. USC in 2009), Carlos was originally a 2009 recruit, but subsequently spent a year at Fork Union Academy and officially began his career at Ohio State in 2010.
The blog, and Carlos have each come a long way since then, so it seemed like the right time to share this again—enjoy!
First off Carlos, I want to thank you for taking the time to do this today.
No problem.
Let's start off by getting to know a little about you off the field.
What kind of music do you listen to most?
So who is your favorite rapper?
Right now, Young Jeezy.
What's your favorite show(s) on TV?
Anything on ESPN - I watch whatever is showing.
Many people probably don't know it, but you are originally from Ohio near Cincinnati, correct?
So when did you move to Florida?
My sophomore year, 2006.
Any idea what you're going to be majoring in at OSU?
No, not sure yet.
Who are YOUR top three running backs of all-time?
Herschel Walker, Beanie Wells, and Adrian Peterson
Three very worthy choices!
I've heard you being compared to P.J. Hill from Wisconsin and Eddie George from OSU. Who do you feel you are most like on the field?
Both Herschel and Beanie.
I definitely hear your stiff-arm compares to Beanie's; I'm looking forward to seeing that!
Yeah, I've got some power in it.
Have you had the chance to meet Beanie?
Yeah, he's cool.
So who at Ohio State was most involved in recruiting you and I'm talking players, coaches, the ball them all!
Coach Dick Tressel and I've met with (Head) Coach Tressel too.
Were any of your soon-to-be teammates in particular who called you or texted you bugging you to come to OSU before you made your commitment?
No, I really didn't talk to anybody before-hand other than the coaches.
You had a long list of schools lined up for you. What were the main reasons why you chose to come to Ohio State?
Because I've always loved Ohio State. It's the school I always wanted to go to.
Did the OSU losses to Florida and LSU in the BCS title games affect your choice at all and did it make you want to come here and help them win a title?
No, it didn't...I really didn't care. I just wanted to be a part of OSU, whether they won or not.
Well I'm sure you know the crazy Buckeye fans are hungry to see the Bucks win the title again, and I know many of them believe you can be a big part of helping them to do that...
Yeah, I feel I can be a really big part in that!
I know the recruiting sites all listed you as a fullback. What position will you be playing in your efforts to help the Buckeyes win a title, and do you know what number you're going to be wearing yet?
I will be playing running back, not fullback, and yes, I'll be wearing No. 34.
What personal and team goals have you set?
To be the starting running back and to win the BCS Championship!
And of course beating Michigan four times, right?
Yeah, I have family members who are Michigan fans, so I have extra motivation!
Speaking of Michigan, they are obviously rebuilding up there, but it's still Ohio State/Michigan, so what pops into your head when you think about playing them for the first time and in Ann Arbor of all places this year?
First thing I think is "BEAT MICHIGAN" and yeah, I'm very excited for that game and look forward to beating them!
If the NFL comes calling down the road, I'm sure you won't be too upset? OSU has sent a lot of RB's to the NFL. I think you've got a decent shot!
Yeah, I hope so!
Pryor and you could both win Heisman's and help OSU win it all and I hope that happens!
Yeah, me too!
USC will be the second game of your college career and it's a huge game to say the least. Are you pumped, nervous, excited? What are your thoughts?
Yeah, I'm definitely pumped to play them and hopefully show what I can do!
Well, that's all I've got but I just wanna say thanks again so much for your time and I wish you all the best in the coming seasons at OSU and beyond!
OK, Thanks!
As I go back over the questions and answers and type up this story, I can't help but notice a certain quiet confidence displayed by this young man.
He definitely seems to fit the bill as a Tressel strong-character on and off the field kind of guy. He will transition well as a Buckeye and will no doubt be embraced by the Buckeye faithful.
I would expect that there's a great deal of pressure in potentially being the next great running back in the long line of great running backs Ohio State has produced, and that's exactly what I personally think Carlos Hyde will be and why I wanted to interview him in the first place.
He might just be the next big thing at Ohio State, but you'd hardly know it from talking to him.
The great ones don't feel the pressure or a need to brag. They just perform. It comes naturally, and they're not cocky...just confident.
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