The show was founded by the same guys (John, Joe and Bart) that brought you If you're looking for the best forums on the web to talk college football, get over to the TBDPITL forums now!
A lot of this weeks show was centered on the AFL and their recent player strike. We were fortunate enough to have Trevor Harris, QB for the Orlando Predators on as our guest to talk about the strike, the players reaction, and what the future holds for the league and it's contracted players.
We also hit on a few other topics — including a brief Buckeye football segment.
Check out the show right here, then post your thoughts and feedback on Twitter, or right here with LIVE, REAL-TIME commenting from Livefyre!
I wasn't on the first half of the show, but I can be heard in segment 3 and segment 4.
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
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Follow Coach Bart @Bart_CFN on Twitter.
Follow Shea Raftus @RealSheaTheone on Twitter.
Follow Trevor Harris @Trevor_Harris4 on Twitter.
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