BlockONation has hit 1,250 Twitter followers so to say thanks, we will now give away a signed OSU-Michigan "The Rivalry" DVD.
In order to determine the winner, we want to hear from you!
Post your Twitter account name along with a brief summary of why you want/deserve to win!
You can post more than once if you like, but at least one post including your Twitter account name is required to be eligible to win.
**The winner will be chosen at random based on the quality of your entry**Whomever sways us the most with their reason(s) why they want/deserve to win will earn the prize!
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BlockONation's Expanding Web Presence
6/05/2009Numerous BlockONation articles have been posted on or linked to from some very well known, high-volume sports websites.
We'd like to take a moment to both acknowledge and thank those sites for their support in helping make BlockONation one of the most popular new Ohio State Football blogs on the web!
In no particular order:
TheClevelandFan.comAgain, thanks so very much to those sites for all their support and also, a huge thank you to the fans who have visited the site to date!
I'd also like to personally thank all those individuals who have contributed to the success of the site! I wouldn't be here without your help over the last 8+ years. You all know who you are!
It is our mission here at BlockONation.com to continue to provide top-notch, fresh content for our readers and we will always do everything possible to meet your expectations!
Honestly, I really can't thank you all enough....
HD HandshoeFounder
twitter acc. =brutus1958,i am a life long fan ,im 53 years old.....people who know me say they have never met a more avid buckeye fan.i wear osu clothing 365 days a year......no kidding...my whole rec room is scarlet &gray......and i am happy if any ohio state teams wins a championship.not just foot ball or basketball eitheri dont care if its syncronized swimming.....i bleed scarlet &gray.always have and always will.when my son was born.and i knew everything was fine...i asked my wife if it would be ok to go to our meat the team night in ..mingo jct. ohio.the reason=====woody hayes was there speaking that night in 1985..mingo high school was his first coaching job under john muth.well thats about it......go bucks!bring that national championship home to coulumbus!
ReplyDeleteOff to a good start thanks to Brutus1958...Nice story on your fandom!
ReplyDeleteAlphabuk81 - I was born with a Block O shaped heart and a Scarlet and Gray birthmark and my first words were "Michigan s**ks"!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - I bleed scarlet and gray, I'm a 2005 alum of The Ohio State University. I drive many miles to acquire photos and autographs of past and present Buckeyes. I was interviewed by Tim May of the Dispatch because I was at the practice that was open to the public at noon when the gates didn't open until 7pm. I have and will continue to miss weddings and other important events to attend OSU events. My wedding colors were scarlet and gray and the centerpiece to the wedding party table was a Buckeye helmet. I have told people that I love OSU more than they love their children, and they didn't argue. I went to the OSU vs. UM game at the big house last year and proudly wore my OSU jersey! I have an 80lb chunk of limestone that has Brutus and OSU carved into it. I have one brother who is a michigan fan, but the other two are straight. I hate that team up north to the point that I have cancelled dates with women and stopped talking to friends because I found out they were michigan fans.I have one son who is 6 months old, and has had an OSU football in his crib since the day he came home from the hospital. He also just got his six month pictures taken in which he was sitting on an OSU blanket and was decked out in Buckeye gear! GO BUCKS! O-H-I-O!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon the game at the big house was two years ago, I got caught up in the memories of the game as I was typing this.......
ReplyDeleteAlso - I entered both of these messages with my cell phone because I couldn't wait to enter!
Well Im Not A Very Old Buckeye Fan Only 14 But I've Always Been A Buckeye Fan Even Have Baby Pics Of Me In Ohio State Gear! I've Moved Out Of State But Come Back To CBus For The Spring Football Game. I Have So Much Ohio State Stuff In My Room! I Love Ohio State And Hope To Someday Go to College There, It Is The Best College In The Country! It Would Be Absolutely Amazing To Win This DVD. :) And My Twitter Is @AshleyD1012
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - the fact that I keep coming back to this page to see if anyone else has entered has to mean something..... This DVD would be awesome in my collection! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - just checking again......here's a random fact for you!
ReplyDelete2+2= 3rd down and 6!
@bamgammon - just checking in... GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - when is the winner going to be announced?
ReplyDelete@bamgammon is my twitter name, winning this autographed DVD is my game! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDeleteI'm not an alum. I don't and haven't lived in Columbus. I'm like Schwebels, Youngstown born Youngstown bread. I grew up in the late 80's, graduated high school in 95. When all my friends around me were jumping ship to follow Miami, Nebraska, Notre Lame, and even scUM, I stayed true, scarlet and grey. I always have been and always will be a BUCKEYE. I live for a school I never attended.
ReplyDelete@ScriptOhio on twitter
@Therandylatham-I have been a life long buckeye fan. My uncle used to teach at The Ohio State. I live in Florida so I try and get up to the shoe as often as possible. I haven't missed a game on tv or in person in so long I lost track. Living in Florida with all the bandwagon gator fans or sec fans once the gators lose is a pain in the neck, but I still wear my ohio state gear everyday. In fact my girlfriend graduated from gainesville so when we lost to them in the championship game she talked crap to me for what seemed like forever and then when we lost to them in the basketball tourny made it even worse. This year we went to the ohio state vs florida basketball game in gainesville and you better believe I rocked my ohio state gear. I absolutetly loved watching these so called gator fans leaving with 5 minutes left was priceless. BUCKEYES FAN TILL THE DAY I DIE. O-H I-O
ReplyDelete@bamgammon checking back - nice to see more entries! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - just checking in! I would really like to have this DVD! It would fit right in with my other OSU memorabilia! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammom - just checking on! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - checkin in! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - five posts in a row, this is starting to feel like a beat Michigan streak! Let's see if I get to seven in a row before anyone else enters the contest!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - six in a row! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - 7 posts in a row with no other entries in between! I'm starting to feel like I'm playing against fans from thay team up north! Where you at Buckeye Nation?
ReplyDeleteGO BUCKS!
@AshleyD1012- Cool To See More Entries But That might Lower My Chance Of Winning ;)#GoBucks (No matter what sport, But Football Is The best!!)
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - nice to see you check back Ashley - I was starting to think that no one else wanted this DVD. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteGO BUCKS!
@bamgammon - winner will be announced next Sunday! Don't know if I can take the anticipation until then. I will pass the time by rooting for both bball teams! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@AshleyD1012-Yep I Check Back Ever Now And Again Cant Wait To See Who Wins! Good Luck All :)
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - checking in! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@Therandylatham great win last night Buckeye woman. Can't wait for Friday when the menls team plays Kentucky. Were you at other buckeyes don't you want to win this dvd.
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - just checking in, good to see new people! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - checkin in! I wish more people would entwr, I love hearing stories of fandom! GO BUCKS! GO BLOCK-O!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - Wow, I'm finally back in Ohio after traveling all week, and boy did I miss the OH. There's no place like home! GO BUCKS!
ReplyDelete@bamgammon - did I win? GO BUCKS!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to @AshleyD1012 winner of the signed OSU-Mich DVD
ReplyDeleteThanks So Much! :)