Fast-forward to 2010, and you'll find Forcier relegated to clipboard duty behind new flavor, Denard "Shoelace" Robinson, and freshman backup QB Devin Gardner.
Much like last season, Michigan fans have been quick to jump on their new quarterbacks bandwagon and spout off delusional thoughts about Michigan "being back" and other insane predictions of 10 or 11 wins and such.
"Tate Forcier for Heisman" popped up on the web last year and thanks to some irrational UM fan(s), I'm sure the "D-Rob for Heisman" sites are up-and-running now as well.
What, with UM's fast 3-0 start over two FBS teams with a combined record of 2-4 and their five-point escape over UMass of FCS fame.
[Sarcasm mode off].
Put on the brakes a little bit UM fans.
Robinson has played great and his numbers are fantastic through three games, but again, consider the opponents said stats were accumulated against before getting ahead of yourself on just how great Robinson, or as I like to call him, Denada (Spanish for nothing) really is.
I kid, but seriously, the end result of the 2010 season should be better for UM, but not that much better.
After all, it's not really hard to out-do that 1-7 finish.
Let's go ahead and assume Michigan will beat BGSU next week. That will be another 4-0 start just like last season. Then, Big Ten conference play begins.
Practically every team in the Big Ten is better than UConn, Notre Dame, and UMass, so this is where the wheels could potentially fall off.
If they do, hospitals in the Ann Arbor area will be on standby to help treat all the sprained ankles as UM "fans" jump off the bandwagon (again) at an alarming rate, but more on that later if [when] it actually happens.
Here is UM's conference slate and what the most likely result will be against each of their opponents.
@ Indiana - Win
vs. Michigan State - Loss
vs. Iowa - Loss
@Penn State - Loss
vs. Illinois - Win
@ Purdue - Win
vs. Wisconsin - Loss
@ Ohio State - Loss
That's how I see these games going, BUT I won't be surprised if Indiana or Purdue each win, just the same as I won't be surprised if UM beats Iowa, Penn State, or Wisconsin.
Either way, I think it will all balance out to 7-8 wins at the most. 9 wins [or more] would absolutely be shocking considering the Wolverweenies have a wet paper towel for a defense.
I'm sure any UM fan reading this is burning with anger and utter disdain for me while plotting my death, but instead of doing that, just embrace the truth, for the truth shall set you free.
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